Writer Wednesday – Controversy Among the Literati….or something like that.

The issue in simplistic terms without mentioning either elephant in the room: Writers produce content and now writers have more ways of getting that content out to readers. Image: smallpressworld.com Regarding the Amazon/Hachette controversy (the “elephants”): Both are large companies that look to their own bottom line. However, I’ve seen Amazon do more for writers than … More Writer Wednesday – Controversy Among the Literati….or something like that.

Writer Wednesday – and So the Saga Continues…SWFA and the Indie Author

So now it’s the Science Fiction Writers of America that’s trying to decide if they should allow indie/self-published authors who are earning a decent amount with their books into their hallowed club. And they’ve been taking months to decide. Hm? Science Fiction, huh? Big call for those books? Wait. What? No? Really? But they’re very … More Writer Wednesday – and So the Saga Continues…SWFA and the Indie Author